Thursday, November 10, 2011

dust eyelashes mites in VALLEY BEND dust eyelashes mites VALLEY BEND

dust eyelashes mites in VALLEY BEND

dust eyelashes mites

dust eyelashes mites VALLEY BEND

dust eyelashes mites in VALLEY BEND.Demodicids have a wormlike appearance, with legs that are mere stumps.
But most adults carry a few demodicids.
Inflammation and infection often result when large numbers of these mites congregate in a single follicle.
The mites live headdown in a follicle, feeding on secretions and dead skin debris.
If too many mites have buried into the same follicle, it may cause the eyelash to fall out easily.
An individual female may lay up to 25 eggs in a single follicle, and as the mites grow, they become tightly packed.
When mature, the mites leave the follicle, mate, and find a new follicle in which to lay their eggs.
The whole cycle takes between 14 to 18 days.
The mites have tiny claws, and needlelike mouthparts for eating skin cells.
Their bodies are layered with scales, which help them anchor themselves in the follicle.
Did you know that you go to sleep at night on a pillow that is home to many thousands of dust mites.
Which help keep our homes clean by consuming the tens of millions of skin cells we shed each day?

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