Thursday, September 8, 2011

i shot andy warhol lyrics::Edie sedgwick could dangle chandeliers from her ears like nobody else i shot andy warhol lyrics

i shot andy warhol lyrics::Edie sedgwick could dangle chandeliers from her ears like nobody else.
Gerard malanga cracked a whip with just as much style, and was a useful handyman as well.
The curiosity known as ondine could ingest amphetamines in epic proportions and maintain his imperious attitude and savage wit.
Viva talked a blue streak of hightoned intellectual analysis while simulating sex as the cameras rolled.
But professional singing and dancing?
Well, not so much.
Discipline and formal training were not highly prized in those heady days at the factory, and dancing was strictly recreational.
Cleverly conceived, vividly performed and professionally put together, it has moments of dizzy brilliance.
In trying to show both the madcap excesses and the psychic cost of warhol freakdom, the show turns these fabled figures into alternately cute and cranky cartoons.
Everybody knows who shot warhol, so the mystery is more existential than actual.
Was andy felled by a wouldbe hangeron gone haywire, or by his own exploitative egoism?
The lunacy of the writing becomes loonier still when it is trilled and warbled in the style of an operetta.
But oneofakind characters really need distinctive songs to define them, and as the giddier comic numbers recede the score begins to sound more and more formulaic.
Eventually each character delivers a soulsearching number in a tone of righteousness, anger or disappointment, and these begin to blur together.

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