Thursday, September 8, 2011

i shot andy warhol yo la tengo::An: widget007 requested some more of these and surprisingly they actually got written i shot andy warhol yo la tengo

i shot andy warhol yo la tengo::An: widget007 requested some more of these and surprisingly they actually got written.
Well, some of them.
Basically you put some music on shuffle and write what comes out one fic per song and you can only write until the song ends.
An3: none of these are connected.
You were always there in my dreams.
I remember the first time i dreamt of us kissing, there were no surroundings, just us standing in a black room.
After, when i woke up, i had to take a cold shower before i was presentable enough to go to work.
And i saw you in the bullpen and had to ask if i could talk to you in private.
I pushed you up against the wall in my office and kissed you just like in my dream.
That night you touched me for the first time.
And i was reborn.
Have wanted it for so long.
After i look her over, and you look over will, our eyes meet and i see the same thoughts running through your chocolate orbs.
Haunted by the moves i refused to make, the actions that would have made me yours and kept me out of that suv.
Or if i need to finish my business as a ghost, if that will take me beyond the physical world.
I say your name and you shoot up, looking for me.
You see my outline and hover where you are, not knowing whether to retreat or approach.

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