Thursday, September 8, 2011


tom paulin harvard::The assumption in, for example, is that the un charter is controlling.
In particular, the precedent of the 1999 nato intervention in kosovo.
There, there was no security council endorsement of military action and, subsequently, a good deal of effort was put into showing the action was lawful despite that fact.
Obviously, there are many differences between kosovo and iraq; but it is certainly true that international law is more than the un charter.
Any country is perfectly free to go ahead and do what they wish to do.
The assumption in, for example, is that the un charter is controlling.
In particular, the precedent of the 1999 nato intervention in kosovo.
There, there was no security council endorsement of military action and, subsequently, a good deal of effort was put into showing the action was lawful despite that fact.
Obviously, there are many differences between kosovo and iraq; but it is certainly true that international law is more than the un charter.
Any country is perfectly free to go ahead and do what they wish to do.
Posted by john at

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