Thursday, September 8, 2011


tom pauley::Not that glamorous a project, but always fun.
Penelope caught me doing it and was really excited because i was using the hammer with my right hand.
Of course, she wanted to know if it hurt my arm, lifting the paintings and swinging the hammer.
The fingers on my left hand were throbbing pretty badly at the time.
What you gain with one hand you often pay for with the other.
I must say it seems to be working very well.
Just like a grown up.
Keep in mind i have been using quantum selling training for going on two decades, so if this sounds strange or unconventional, it most definitely is.
And you should at least take the free 7 day mini course at before you try it.
It will make a lot more sense to you.
This is the simplified version.
We have specific protocols for going into the portal.
But this will give you an idea.
Remember quantum selling is the cutting edge of human technology.
It is not only powerful but incredibly effective.
But it goes beyond conventional wisdom.
Ideally, you would go into the portal and do the exercise there.
If you are not a quantum master try this: close your eyes, take three deep breaths and imagine your skull opening right down the middle.
Now imagine the two hemispheres of your brain dividing and opening apart, so that the interior of your brain is exposed.
Now, envision a wave of bluegreen energy washing over your brain.
Especially, over the damaged part.
What you are looking for is the creation or building of new neuropathways around the dead area.
See these new pathways connecting your brain with the parts of your body that are effected by your stroke.
You are replacing the neuropathways that have died.
See it connect to the correct muscle.
It will find the right muscle.
The more specific you are the better.
Make the new pathway a different color than the other nerves so you can follow its growth.
I make mine dayglow orange.
Do this every morning.
Add a new neuropathway every day if you can.
I do a lot more, of course.
Today, i flew through high, dazzling white clouds of healing.
Oh my word was that amazing.
It was like flying through a hurricane while lightening of every color imaginable impacted my open brain with healing energy.

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