Thursday, September 8, 2011


tom paxton lyric::There are currently six workers competing for every open job.
The government releases the november jobs report tomorrow, with unemployment expected to remain at 10.
The white house affair is a meeting with business leaders, academics and other experts to come up with ideas on creating jobs.
But americans have their own ideas on how to get people back to work.
S instead of sending them overseas.
Other ideas include reducing government regulation, creating more green jobs, providing more stimulus money, and buying american or raising taxes on imports.
Meanwhile, there are some glimmers of good news: the labor department reports that the number of firsttime filers for unemployment fell last week to a near 15month low.
Also an independent private job placement firm shows the pace of job losses slowing to the lowest level in two years.
Also, many experts say a lot of the jobs that have been lost will simply never return.
Tune in to the situation room at 5pm to see if jack reads your answer on air.
Interested to know which ones made it on air?
Steve from virginia writes: the best start would be to restore law and order.
Over 8 million jobs could be returned to law abiding citizens and immigrants by making everify mandatory and mandatory crosschecking of the social security and irs databases when employers hire.
The next best step would be to restore the source of our previous prosperityour manufacturing base and fair trade practices.
Cruz writes: tax all those patriotic souls that sent their jobs overseas and use the new revenue to invest in companies that keep their jobs here at home.
Tom from forest hills, pennsylvania writes: just one thought, jack: how about a national bond fund that creates jobs to place electricity and cable lines underground and replace old water and sewage systems?
From nebraska writes: how about we quit spending money in pits like iraq and afghanistan and use it to rebuild our infrastructure?
As backwards as iraq is, afghanistan is ten times worse.
Jasper writes: the amount of people out of jobs is equal to the amount of people that are illegally in this country.
It is a nobrainer.
The more they have to spend, the more they spend and that translates into jobs.

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